*Andre is a young bright boy from inner-city of Newark, he loves playing sports and not concentrating on reading books. His dream is to become a doctor when he grows up so that he can help sick people get better. However, his life was not all peachy and cream, though his single Mom worked hard to feed him, clothe him and provide shelter for him, there was often no money left for his school supplies. He often went to school without the required textbooks, uniforms and learning materials without no complaints. At the school, the situation was no better, though his teachers worked so hard to provide him with the best education, they lacked funds for providing Andre and his classmates with the required learning materials, computers, tutoring, games, and activities. As a result of these challenges both at home and in school, Andre was not performing well, he had no confidence, he was withdrawn and had started being undisciplined. Andre had started giving up on his dream of being a doctor because of his poor performance in mathematics and reading. Just before Andre gave up on his dream completely, You’re All That Inc., became a part of his life by donating books, school supplies, uniforms, backpacks and tutoring. These gifts made it possible for Andre and others to start believing in their dreams again. He had access to interesting storybooks that broadened his vision and improved his reading and communication skills. The school supplies enabled his teachers to help him improve in mathematics and reading materials. The uniforms and backpacks eased the financial burden from his parent and enabled him to spend more time with his homework and teaching him good morals. Today, Andre is in the 2nd grade and the gift (Kumon Learning) that he received (4) four months ago have enabled him to continuously improve his academic performance and social skills as he strives to achieve his dream of being a doctor. This is the mission of You’re All That Inc., to help provide a bright future for underserved kids like Andre through gifting them with school supplies, backpacks uniforms and other essential tools to function in school. You too can help us support these underserved kids and help them achieve their dreams. Make a donation today! Program initiatives like this today changes the life of an underserved kid. Your donation to You’re All That Inc. will transform the life of a child, improve their community and hopefully make the world a better place!  Make Your Donation Count! *The true name of the child is being omitted because of the protection under the Family Educational    Rights Privacy Act. logo