The Pick-A-Date Fundraiser

Starting March 1, 2023

Introducing the Pick-A-Date Fundraiser, a new initiative brought to you by You’re All That Inc.. Designed with the goal of helping raise money for young children with learning disabilities in the subjects of math and reading, the Pick-A-Date Fundraiser is a fantastic way to give to those in need. If you’re someone looking to lend a hand to children, helping them secure a better future, then keep reading for more!

Conceptually, the Pick-A-Date Fundraiser is simple and interesting. Instead of just donating, you instead pick a day on a calendar, and the amount you donate will be equal to the date of your donation. It’s a fun concept, and with the support of donors everywhere, we’re hoping to fill all of the days of the month with donations. It’s for a good cause after all, and every bit helps!

Raising money for a good cause is one of the greatest and simplest ways to help those around you who are in need. There are always people in the world who need assistance, be it physically or in the form of monetary assistance. If you’re in a capable position, the onus is on you to make a change in the world and assist those who are in need. 

The Pick-A-Date fundraiser is aiming to help children, those who have learning disabilities in math and reading. The term for having a disability in math is called dyscalculia, and children who suffer from dyscalculia often never learn of it until well into adulthood. On top of making everyday life difficult, it also leads to huge amounts of stress and pressure on children, who cannot properly comprehend why they’re facing troubles.

Dyslexia meanwhile is the term for some reading disabilities, being quite well known and well-studied in the modern day. Children with dyslexia often struggle with basic reading comprehension, having trouble deciphering sentences and alphabets. While children with dyslexia often struggle on a daily basis, they make the best of their situation and often manage to succeed in life if given proper help and education from a young age.

If you’d like to make a change in these children’s lives and give them a fighting chance, consider joining the Pick-A-Date Fundraiser starting on March 1, 2023. With enough effort and support, we’ll be able to give these children a brighter future. Learning disabilities are difficult to deal with, especially for children, and they need all the support they can get.