Home School Learning During the Crisis

The norm for today has placed parents to teach their kids from home. Among the nearly 55 million students nationwide now expected to continue their education from home; while schools are closed indefinitely.

Your kids' school may have given you a learning packet or allowed you to participate in classes via Google classrooms or Zoom. Many educational websites are now offering free subscriptions during school closures. The Facebook group Amazing Educational Resources gather the materials into a spreadsheet. Its includes resources for reading, math, history, coding, music and more.


  • The education company Hand2Mind launched a new learn at home platform with streaming lessons for K-5 and downloadable STEM activities.

Here's a STEM project you can perform in the outdoor environment with your kids. The link https://bit.ly/3450c7C will show you the actual materials needed for this activity. Be careful and enjoy the video! Mrs. Barnett is an educator and works in the school system.